The Dragon City Guide

| Friday, December 28, 2012
I have been addicted to this game for a while now. I learned it from my brother and I really find the game interesting. I have been quite successful in the game somehow. And here are some exclusive tips from me on how to be on top of your friends in the game. 

1. Be Consistent

By Consistent, I mean open the game at least twice a day on 6-Hour Intervals. Be consistent on planting food for your Dragons and Be Consistent in battles. 

2. Don't Waste 

Don't Waste. Money, Gems, Food are your key materials in the game so never waste them for things which are not that useful. As for Gems, don't waste it on speeding up because you could use it in the longer run. don't waste gems on decorations. you'll not need them that much. but if you saved enough, it is considerable to use them on speeding up if you really need to. As for gold (money) , don't buy things which are not that important such as expensive decorations. Don't buy expansions if it is not that necessary. You Could use your extra gold if you want to, but don't be very extravagant. Use it moderately.

3. Immediate use of food

In my opinion, after you harvest your food for your dragons, use them immediately. (except if your dragon's levels are high and you need to save) Your food will add the gold influx as your dragons produce more gold if it has a higher level. 

4. Strengths and Weaknesses

I find this technique really helpful. in the stadium and in the combat world. Here are the strengths and weaknesses of your dragons :

Metal Element
Weaknesses: Electric
Resistances: Fire, Earth, metal
Effective against: Ice, Earth
Resisted by: Electric, Fire
Ice Element
Weaknesses: Fire, Metal
Resistances: Water
Effective against: Earth
Resisted by: Fire
Earth Element
Weaknesses: Ice, water, metal
Resistances: Electric, fire
Effective against: None
Resisted by: Metal, Water
Water Element
Weaknesses: Fire and Dark
Resistances: Earth, water, plant
Effective against: Earth, Fire, Electric
Resisted by: Ice
Fire Element
Weaknesses: Water, electric
Resistances: Ice, Metal, plant, fire
Effective against: Ice, Water, Plant
Resisted by: Metal, Earth, Fire
Plant Element
Weaknesses: Earth and Ice
Resistances: Dark
Effective against: Water
Resisted by: Fire
Electric Element
Weaknesses: Water
Resistances: Electric, metal
Effective against: Water, Fire, Metal
Resisted by: Earth

(as for hybrids, refer to the first element shown.)

5. Always produce food 

Food is one of the most important keys to the game. If you have a lot of food, it means your dragons will be able to be at a higher level and higher level means higher advantages. 

6. Breed and Hatch 

Breed and hatch continuously. Don't leave your hatchery and breeding mountain/tree without use. Continue breeding and breeding for you to get a lot of newer dragons for battle and for gold produce. 

7. Enjoy the Game

In everything that i posted, this is the most important. you must enjoy it. Make the most out of it. If you enjoy, You will be more progressive in the game. 



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